Manly Council will seek to install noise analysing black boxes in Manly Cove resident’s living rooms to investigate what’s been described as “boom boom” music coming from Manly Wharf. This comes in response to ongoing complaints from residents who live across from the wharf. Manly Cove resident Roger James said he and fellow locals formed the Manly Cove Alliance and had received written complaints from 34 people on the issue. “We have a lot of problems with noise late at night, more specifically the music with its constant base beat,” he said. According to Cr Cathy Griffin part of the problem is that the cove acts as an amplifier. “It’s unique in its location because it juts out into the water,” she said. “It exacerbates the problem as the sound from the wharf refracts off the water and actually intensifies". Council general manager Henry Wong said noise analysers generally remained in a home for more than 21 days and measured standard background noise as well as determining how many decibels above the norm an incident was. Meantime, Mr Wong said residents should call council’s Night Owl Rangers to ask them to make a record of the noise from their homes. Obviously the summer period when crowds at the Wharf's various restaurants are larger, and venues are busier more nights of the week, is the time when the noise issue can be greater. Site lessees of Manly Wharf, TMG Developments property manager Chris Coore , said he took noise complaints seriously. Residents are awaiting advice from the Council when the noise analysing boxes will be installed.
It was disappointing that at its December meeting Manly Council rejected outright the idea of perusing a feasibility plan to have a Harbour Pool re-created in Manly Cove West. However the argument that "Maritime, who are the landowner, have totally rejected the plan" is completely inaccurate (See attached letter below) On May 3, Council received a letter from Roads & Maritime Services that not only set out what would need to be done as part of a feasibility plan for the idea but also stated "Roads and Maritime .... will consider any formal proposal from Manly Council to re-establish a boardwalk and pool". The new-look pool and boardwalk concept plan is an idea that has been well-researched by Good For Manly with a professionally designed eco-friendly pool, rather than the massive structures of the 'Wonder Pool' of days gone-by. We believe it is an idea that is worthy of proper investigation and consideration rather than a knee-jerk refusal. What do you think?
Image courtesy of Channel 7 News. It was concerning to read recently that Manly Cove has become the rubbish tip of Sydney Harbour. Rubbish from as far away as Bondi and Roseville is being found in the waters offshore. Currents in Sydney Harbour collect debris and bring it to Manly, especially when a southerly hits. Recent storms highlighted the problem with Manly Cove thick with debris and rubbish knee-deep on the beaches. Parking tickets from the Eastern Suburbs were found amongst the accumulated mess, providing clear evidence of the problem. According to Silke Stuckenbrock, local Narrabeen resident and co-founder of the Two Hands Project, people need to change their thinking about plastics and where they end up. “Plastic stays around for centuries. We have noticed that every mammal that gets washed up dead on to the shore has plastic in its system – it’s a very serious problem”, she says. What do you think we can do to keep Manly clean? Go to to find out how you can help. |
AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. ........................................
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