EIS (Environment Impact Study) for the Beaches Link Tunnel: What does it mean for the Residents of Balgowlah?
The EIS was anticipated. It is just that we did not expect the Government to dump it on us just before Christmas – and after the School P&Cs have closed and will not be functioning until the middle of February. We know that TfNSW cannot hold proper community consultation sessions due to the Covid 19 Restrictions that we assume will be in place in January and February. A copy of the EIS can be found at Beaches Link Tunnel and submissions need to be lodged with TfNSW by the end of February 2021. We have had a quick review of the EIS Documents (10,000 pages +) and would like to share with you some initial comments on the documents. While the Minister for Transport Andrew Constance made the point when announcing the release of the EIS along the lines of “this project will be built, some have thought that it could not be built, only the Liberals can be trusted to build infrastructure projects”, the final cabinet decision to proceed with the project has not been made. There are several hurdles that need to be overcome:
The project has been sold to residents of the Northern Beaches on the basis that it will allow a shorter commute to the City, the Airport and Western Sydney. Never, has the Premier, or the Transport Minister or James Griffin told the residents that: Once the Beaches Link Tunnel is completed, it will be easier for the residents of Western Sydney to drive to Manly, Freshwater, Curl Curl, Dee Why, Mona Vale and Newport than to drive to Bondi, Coogee or Cronulla. Over weekends in the summer, there will be as many as 40,000 additional cars arriving in the Northern Beaches – and it is this weekend traffic that will boost the toll revenue for the owners of the Beaches Link Tunnel, the Western Harbour Tunnel, WestConnex and the toll roads leading into WestConnex. In addition, here are some of the local issues we intend to include in the Community Submission from the Balgowlah Residents Group:
Prepared By : Terry le Roux and Nerissa Levy Balgowlah Residents Group
Antony Hockly
5/1/2021 08:57:15 am
The whole concept of the road tunnel is flawed. The idea of the road tunnel would result in traffic chaos on the whole northern beaches area. A rail tunnel is a much more practical solution to congestion as well as being cheaper to construct it would remove many more vehicles from the already clogged roads and prepare the whole area for a much better transport system.
Patricia Lee
5/1/2021 09:23:07 am
I agree with everything Antony has written. Build more roads and more cars use them. A rail tunnel is the solution.
John D Wilson
5/1/2021 09:24:07 am
Sounds like the snob lobby and the car lobby want a subsidy and are jealous of the public transport sector which removes or at least reduces congestion while adding value to an area. The Eastern Suburbs are so valuable because they have such good public transport access. I think it is time to add to not reduce the quality of our public transport. Urgently bring on a rail line via Neutral Bay and Spit Junction to at least Mona Vale and of course retain and improve the big double ended ferries.
5/1/2021 11:33:08 am
I also agree that a road tunnel will promote more traffic an dnot reduce traffic - within 5 years - probably quicker - traffic will be worse. It is a well known outcome by transport planners globally - it is called "Induced Demand". A metro line can be built faster and significantly cheaper and transport more people per hour than a road tunnel. A metro could be extended as far as Warringah Mall or even Dee Why. It would interconnect to the Metro to Chatswood, the city, airport, parramatta and Sydney's NW. Cost per km is less than road tunnels as only one tunnel; is required.
Terry Ricketts
5/1/2021 04:03:47 pm
We can't justify this. It is going to negatively impact the northern beaches. Can it!
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. Categories
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