Manly Council has gagged independent councillors and blocked them calling for a halt on runaway plans to build a car park under Manly Oval and go-ahead with a 99 year lease of the Whistler Street car park site to developers. The four independents, Clrs Candy Bingham, Barbara Aird, Hugh Burns and Cathy Griffin, had lodged a motion to stop any further action on Manly Oval or the redevelopment of the Whistler St car park site.
But that motion has been ruled out of order on the grounds that it contradicts previous council resolutions. "This is a blatant attempt to block democracy," Clr Bingham said. "The council administration is illegally refusing to accept the motion because it doesn't suit them. "If council resolutions could never by challenged, every single decision the council has made in the last 100 years would still stand. That's just ridiculous." At stake is the future of Manly CBD with the Liberal majority expected to push through a motion calling for tenders to construct a smaller oval car park and redevelop the Whistler Street site. If this is done the two huge projects will be locked in, despite the complete lack of clarity over what the tenders will actually be calling for, and the total absence of community consultation. “It is an outrage. The whole expressions of interest process was for a car park that is quite different to what has been promoted to the community and Manly businesses since 2011”, Clr Bingham said. "The new car park will only have 470 spaces, not the original 760 - a decision which was made with no consultation, not even with councillors themselves," she said. "The latest plan does not provide any additional parking, which was a key point of the original proposal, and a very limited increase in areas for pedestrians. We are losing a locals car park for a tourists car park." Clr Griffin agreed, saying that the original vision of Manly2015 has been lost, and there was a complete lack of community support for what is proposed now. Clr Aird criticised the "ongoing lack of openness, accountability, transparency and genuine community consultation" on the biggest project Manly Council has ever taken on. Clr Hugh Burns said his constituents were completely opposed to public land at Whistler St car park being sold off. "The public consider it too convenient to demolish," he said. "It can easily be refurbished.” Already a number of resident precinct groups have voted against both projects proceeding, and a request for an interim heritage order was lodged last week by former Manly Town Planner Robert Burgess, to protect Ivanhoe Park and the Village Green where Manly Oval is located. There is expected to be a show-down at Monday night's Council meeting (10/8/15) when the matter is back on the agenda. A staff report has outlined in glowing terms how successful the Expressions of Interest process has been but has failed to acknowledge that the latest proposal will not deliver a single additional car parking space for Manly. The four independent councillors continue to fight the lack of accountability and transparency with the process which started in 2011. Does anyone really know what the current Manly2015 Plan actually is?
James Roberts
7/8/2015 09:56:16 am
Good luck with stopping this madness.
gay o'connor
7/8/2015 10:11:40 am
I can't believe this council is just ignoring the many ratepayers who are against this proposal. It is clear that the decision had been made ages ago and council just went though the motions of pretending to listen to the people . . . . At the last Little Manly precinct meeting, Councillor Pickering spoke about the car park issue, and it was clear from what he said and the terminology he used that the decision had been made - but when this was put to him he denied it. He led us to believe that public consultation was important to the council and that council was listening, taking it all on board and had not yet made any decision . . . . what a joke! This is NOT democracy.
Fenny Louwe
7/8/2015 10:17:38 am
Totally agree with James Roberts. When is this madness going to stop. So boring to repeat: no oval car park, no debt, and keep Whistler St car park. I was in Manly CBD today. Everything hussle and bussle and happy. Except for the newly done up lane (Market lane?) nobody there! No character, no feel, no admosphere, just dead nothing and clinical nothingness. Do we really want Manly Council to ruin Manly's character and to turn Manly into one soulless little tourist area worse than Bondi? And for the rate payers to end up with a big debt? So over it all. Bring on the election!
Rob Stewart
7/8/2015 10:19:23 am
Surely the lack of transparency and ignoring Councillor's requests from Council staff requires immediate reference to the Paul Toole, Minister for Local Government. Democracy is being circumvented by employees of residents and their representatives.
Robert kinnan
7/8/2015 11:00:02 am
Oh come on, you don't know what half the community wants! A lot of people support ripping down that horrid car park.
gay o'connor
7/8/2015 11:17:49 am
Robert kinnan - how do you know what "half the community wants"? What are the figures? Has anyone actually done a count for and against? No, and that is the problem. Council is doing just what it wants to do without any proper consultation. We ratepayers pay them to do the job and they are just not doing it properly. Or fairly.
Rob Stewart
7/8/2015 11:19:46 am
Precinct responses and business concerns are a statement of fact. Do your homework.
Rob Kinnan
10/8/2015 10:42:28 am
And Rob, where is your data that people want it saved? Hearsay!
gay o'connor
7/8/2015 11:44:42 am
And, Robert kinman - when did "half the community" represent a majority?
Bruce Webb
7/8/2015 01:36:45 pm
Instead of offering open objections why don't you come up with an alternative if you can?
Don Walker
8/8/2015 12:04:08 am
Robert Kinsman, with all due respect you do not know what you are talking about. For a relatively paltry amount of money the existing car park could be renovated and extended, the councils ability to carry out this work is non existent based on the mess they made of the Corso upgrade at substantial cost over runs and just wait until the final costs for the swimming pool renovations are made public. And based on past performances the final costs for this unwanted car park under the oval will be double what Wong is claiming and the income will never be enough to cover the cost of the loans, conditions which Le Surf publicly stated would be reasons for him to vote down this project.
Bruce Webb
7/8/2015 01:35:22 pm
Again the Liberal cabal lead by Jean Hay is having the last say in what we in Manly want. We need to vigorously mount a campaign to get rid of these idiots who for one reason or another do not want to listen to the majority of ratepayers and residents of the Manly LGA.
Kate Lester
8/8/2015 12:56:06 am
Thank you for fighting this. It is an outrage that people elected to represent us so flagrantly ignore our wishes. The Mayor and her cronies make me sick.
Judi LeVine
8/8/2015 01:02:02 am
This is a travesty of community will and democracy pure and simple. The Council majority has clearly turned a deaf ear to community sentiment and common sense. What can we do?
8/8/2015 09:06:36 am
Driving past The Boy Charlton Swim Centre upgrade this morning both Kenneth & Balgowlah Roads, my heart was full of trepidation as to what is Manly Council doing on behalf of ratepayers?. Did anyone imagine what an enormous complex this was going to be? The traffic chaos could not be ignored this morning.
Judi LeVine
8/8/2015 10:06:12 am
The traffic chaos was still there at noontime!
jenny ingham
8/8/2015 10:26:25 am
Is the rush to knock down, re build a rush to build memorials or castles in the sky! It would be interesting for someone to identify those buildings now which should never have been built and which Councillors promoted or allowed them to happen and why? So many people are now asking why 5 Councillors can determine the future of Manly and why rate payers are being ignored continually. So sad frustrating and discraceful. in my opinion of course!
Jenny ingham
8/8/2015 10:56:20 pm
So when the Whistler St carpark goes does that mean the carpark under Coles will be full and so quickly popping in to chemist, newsagent, supermarket will become more difficult and locals on way home will go somewhere else
gay o'connor
9/8/2015 03:01:31 am
When people can't get into the Coles carpark in Manly they will go somewhere else - Stockland will be the beneficiary of this council idiocy.
9/8/2015 08:13:23 am
Just a word of advice about the Coles Peninsula carpark, it is full around delivering children to the Manly Village School in the morning, and then after school finishes around 3.00pm But it is also usually full in between times, so please don't expect any relief from this carpark. I know because I live in the Peninsula.
mike hade
9/8/2015 02:15:48 am
can you believe Cr Hay had the temerity to turn up at Manly Oval yesterday at what could possibly be the Marlin's last game before the venue disappears and returns as.....?
Mark kingaby
9/8/2015 02:47:41 am
So the whistler street car park is sold. Just what will replace it? My guess is units with shopping underneath them.
Wing Chan
9/8/2015 06:34:39 pm
This 'bullying' and blatant ignoring of the majority of the residents of Manly's wish of NOT WANTING to UNDERTAKE the Financial Risk of building a car park under Manly Oval and the demolishing of Whistler Street Car Park has to be stop.
10/8/2015 01:02:32 am
Let's go back to the question! "Does anyone really know what the current Manly2015Plan actually is?
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council posts what's making news and issues relevant to Manly on this blog. Categories