It would have to be one of Manly's most popular gathering spots and yet years of neglect by the former Manly Council has turned East Esplanade into a sorry excuse for a park. Years of requests by the Little Manly Precinct and former Councillor Candy Bingham for a Masterplan for this harbourside jewel were all but ignored, with the former Council regularly topsoiling this area in an effort to keep it looking reasonable, only to have the soil washed away the first time it rained. Which created another issue - dirt being washed consistently onto the sand and into the harbour.
It now appears that a former resolution moved by Clr Bingham to have the toilet facilities replaced and increased, and for a Masterplan to be developed for the area, has been taken up by the new Northern Beaches Council administration, who are seriously looking into the issue. "The Council has also recognised that this area is in need of urgent maintenance, with major erosion causing the space to look more like an old war zone than a park" Good For Manly President Candy Bingham said. "East Esplanade has become the spot for locals and visitors alike to gather to enjoy a swim, picnic and watch the sunset. It has been literally loved to death", she added. The area has so many issues that need to be addressed including the storm water catchment, sewage odours, cigarette butts and bottle tops which are difficult to remove, and of course the lack of toilet facilities. What would you like to see improved at East Esplanade Reserve?
Vivien A Coulson
1/3/2017 08:30:57 am
The same erosion and maintenance issues apply to West Esplande and the beach cleaning methods which leave the sand at the bottom of the stairs and all along the wall smothered in Pine tree tails & other debris because the cleaner will not rake it. My grand children ask to be carried over them they call it the OUCH Beach
Candy Bingham
1/3/2017 09:19:57 am
The OUCH Beach - it would be cute if it wasn't an issue. It's on the list! Thanks Viv.
1/3/2017 09:04:22 am
We have also been requesting the old Manly Council to rejuvenate East Esplanade for years. It is a necessity for a small retaining wall to be built along the footpath adjoining the grasslands, similar to what has been done outside the Manly Wharf Hotel to ensure that the top dressing does not wash onto the beach every time it rains. And despite what the old Manly Council thought there is a strong necessity for new toilet facilities to be built at the east and west end of East Esplanade. It would also be good if the council could drill a hole into the table tops to facilitate the use of a sun umbrella over the tables when being used. Finally, council should police the use of East Esplanade reserve by vehicles, trailers and small skiffs which helps destroy the grasslands.
Candy Bingham
1/3/2017 09:21:26 am
Thanks for your ongoing support to get this area fixed Don. Like your improvement ideas.
Judith Burgess
1/3/2017 09:04:44 am
Totally agree with your comments. Fairlight Beach has also been loved to death. Years of neglect and thousands of visitors have led to erosion and the soil is running into the sand. The tap has no drain and just runs down the path onto the beach. It's so sad to see once beautiful Fairlight Beach look so bad. I hope that the marine life fish isn't being poisoned by run off.
Candy Bingham
1/3/2017 09:18:45 am
Yes, agree. The state of Fairlight is a disgrace. I've already sent photos to the new Council on that one too. Thanks Judith.
Jill Caskey
1/3/2017 09:24:49 am
I think maybe the reference to an old war zone is stretching it a bit far, however loved to death , the harbourside park certainly is. It seems to me that as lovely as it used to be to have lawn between the pines that really is no longer viable. With the ever increasing crowds gathering for long periods of time and much more activity with children and dogs, it is maybe time to consider paving the whole area, sensitively, with lots more picnic tables and seating , a small playground would work well near a new toilet block. There is really not enough space on the beach for too many to settle there. Another suggestion is that all gazebos be banned and definitely portable BBQs. People will survive without a cooked lunch and the area is far too small to subject everyone to cooking smells and smoke. Many people enjoy a beer or bottle of wine over lunch however there is far too much alcohol being consumed, mainly near the hotel. My B&B guests often comment on that. Not a good look for Manly ...or for children playing in the area. Manly is a top tourist destination and should be maintained as such.
1/3/2017 10:44:35 am
"paving the whole area". Are you mad? That's the worst and most unattractive solution. It will end up looking like Bondi. Keeping the grass area is a must
1/3/2017 12:46:39 pm
Jill Caskey, Surely you are joking suggesting that East Esplanade be paved like Bondi-which is now a barren concrete wasteland. Bondi beach used to be lined with pine trees and the beach looked like Manly but some clown on their local council thought it more important to cut down the ageing trees and turn the beach front into a parking area instead of replanting pine trees asa was done at Manly. We can only be thankful that Wong and Hay were not around when these trees were replaced otherwise we might have ended up with a multi level car park along the beach front.
Ian Littlemore
1/3/2017 10:02:03 am
Agree with all the comments here. East Esplanade is certainly overdue for a rethink, but as pointed out by Vivien and Judith, so are West Esplanade and Fairlight. Let's focus on East Esplanade to get something done, but thereafter the other areas need to upgraded also. In addition, the grass (and dirt!) along the beachfront from South Steyne along to North Steyne is in very poor condition. And this will be made much worse when the Australian Open of Surfing infrastructure is finally removed. After more than a month on site, the grass underneath all of this will be dead.
Tim Reeve
1/3/2017 12:36:44 pm
Agree with you Candy about the poor state of East Esplanade. Thank you for your proactive work on this.
1/3/2017 02:12:10 pm
The area definitely needs refurbished toilets, and more of them. Plus the sewer issue must be addressed. Erosion can be corrected without losing grass. I note tyre tracks in photo - this does not help erosion. Maybe a small retaining wall will address erosion and improve facility. Definitely retain grass .... NO paving please!
3/3/2017 09:52:33 am
The easiest way to stop erosion is to turn on the automatic irrigation system and check all sprinklers weekly, however this should have started immediately after the re-turfing 18 months ago.
4/3/2017 07:45:06 pm
I totally agree that it is ESSENTIAL East esplanade is up graded.
Michael Ace
8/3/2017 07:35:11 pm
Both beaches are a disgrace at the moment which is very sad when one considers that Manly Wharf IS the original "Gateway to Manly" & still is. So 1st impressions really count & many family ferry riders go no further than either side of the wharf for a safe & enjoyable day.
susan masur
5/6/2017 01:44:52 am
I agree. It is a disgrace. I looked back through the historical pictures with the historian at the library to get some ideas how it should be there. I think we can take some tips from times gone by. There was a gravel path (not concrete) down the centre under the trees. This should be reinstated, in fact it is still there under the grass, so the gardeners told me. This would help with the grass not growing under the trees. There should be garden beds in various places all along to stop rain run off and for aesthetics. There should be new tables and chairs, painted black, (not blue!) so they don't stand out against the greenery. There should be small retaiining walls in sandstone to stop run off. Problem solved. Less people would sit on the grass. People would use either the middle path or the beach side path. Grass would grow better. People would sit on tables and chairs mostly and save lawn. I agree with the above that the drinking and behaviour there is a problems. There are no rules! Signs say one thing. Police say another thing! And it depends on what night as to what rules apply. I live across the road so I hear what goes on there! No more paving please, already there is too much concrete down the Osborne Road end. Trees need to be kept in good order here too. I have noticed several branches falling from time to time, which is a danger to the visitors and kids playing on the swings. I have notified council. Traffic is a problem here with so many pedestrians crossing, the speed limit should be 40 all the way to Osborne Road. Lights should light up the Pedestrian crossing. Toilets should be upgraded at the wharf during the new refurb. to create more toilets. I could go on!
Lawrence Nethery
22/11/2020 05:43:27 pm
I noticed this afternoon 22/11 that Manly Hops - the “no bullshit beer company” were openly advertising via their marketing flags along East Esplanade -
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. ........................................
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