At a robust Council meeting last night a rescission motion to stop the Oval car park and retain the Whistler Street car park was lost 5/4 with the Liberal majority now pursuing "proposals from interested parties for the construction of the oval car park ..... and long term lease of the existing Whistler car park site for a mixed use development." This followed various representations from precinct groups, with a clear message that locals did not want this project to proceed. At a meeting called by the Premier Mike Baird on April 9 with chairs from the precincts (6 precincts were present), there was agreement amongst the chairs that the clear view of the majority of the residents is that, as a consequence of the current confusion, the long history of changes in strategy by the Council and the potential financial risks associated with building a new car park under the oval, no decision to proceed with any car park development should be considered until after the next local Government elections. Addressing the Council meeting last night Terry Le Roux, Chair of North Harbour Precinct, said there was no immediate need or imperative to take action on the Whistler St site or build new car parking capacity - it was entirely discretionary. “There is currently understandable confusion among the residents on this issue. Making a decision to delay and hold over any further work would demonstrate to the community that the Councillors are listening to the residents”, he said Clr Steve Pickering, who moved the motion to call for proposals, said “We know there is concern and polarisation of views in the community. So we are trying to move forward. We will have an open and transparent brief. What better way to resolve the divergent community views, than to test the market?” But the Independent Councillors remained firm stating that the redevelopment of the Whistler Street site was not acceptable to the majority of the community, and the viability of the oval car park was dubious at best. Clr Candy Bingham summed it up by saying: “Just shelve it and be done with it. What a waste of time and money”. However the recession motion was lost and the calling of proposals is to proceed. What Has Been Spent on Manly 2015? At the same meeting Cr Candy Bingham asked for a report on costs incurred since the Manly2015 masterplan to revitalise Manly CBD was launched in 2008. The report would include design and planning fees, marketing expenses, traffic studies, capital works undertaken to date, and so on. The motion was knocked back on the grounds that it was a) too difficult to find out, and b) it had all been budgeted for anyway. The knockback, predictably enough, came from each of the Liberal councillors, as well as one Independent who said he was trying to compromise. The joke, or tragedy, was that this motion came straight after one where Liberal councillors trumpeted their intention to proceed with Manly2015 with complete "openness and transparency". So how much has Manly Council spent on Manly 2015 and why won't they tell us?
Janice Tagg
21/4/2015 09:30:35 am
I am getting dizzy on this merry-go-round!! Can we please get off. No one wants a new car park, spend our money wisely please.
Ralf Pantenburg
21/4/2015 09:30:38 am
What a mess, how poor the handling of this issue by some of the Council members/executives, the " LIBERAL " ( a misleading description....) majority acting selfishly/foolishly and against the wishes of the majority of local tax payers
Jane Scammell
21/4/2015 09:45:27 am
I would like to voice my opinion on Manly Council. Jean Hay has LONG outstayed her usefulness on this council. the council members who voted for the oval carpark are a bunch of f- idiots! Manly is build on a sand dune. The DY grand has pumps working 24/7 365 days a year, how are YOU doing to deal with at least two springs draining water from the hills around into the oval basin. What you did to the corso with imported pavers, Palm Trees that give no shade and Extremely hot/cold metal seating is a disgrace all of which is outlandlishly expensive. Graffityon the sidewalks around the suburbs which is unnecessary, I am glad that after living in the beautiful northern beaches area I am moving interstate
David Hulme
21/4/2015 09:46:37 am
How can Manly Council possibly keep a secret of what has been spent on the Manly 2015 project, this is an appalling state of affairs? I think all Manly residents look forward to ousting a number of councillors who do not represent their best interests come the next election, which can't come soon enough.
21/4/2015 11:30:02 am
When someone post to have a project that would put the residents into debt, one can't help but think that the 'pusher' must have some hidden gain from this project.
Fenny Louwe
21/4/2015 11:47:44 am
When are the next council elections? No more Hay, no more Wong please. No debt, no oval car park. Keep Wistler St Car park. When are we going to kill this ridiculous idea of building an oval car park and loosing a totally wonderful and central car park. We don't NEED and don't WANT an Oval car park! And more importantly we don't want the debt. Or loose Wistler Str car park for that matter.
21/4/2015 11:51:02 am
Building anything underground on the flats of Manly is very very risky- especially something the size of this proposed carpark which sits directly under a wide plateau.
22/4/2015 04:46:21 am
I wonder if anyone at Manly Council noticed the rain yesterday. They could read all about it in today's Manly Daily.
John renser
21/4/2015 12:25:11 pm
Fair go candy, why haven't you said what the response was to your motion about costings? It made sense and you're getting what you want.
gay o'connor
21/4/2015 01:00:25 pm
OK, what was the response, John? How much has been spent to date? Surely it can't be that difficult to calculate. Why aren't the ratepayers entitled to know how their money has been spent? And why is the council so intent on moving against the majority of its ratepayers? Democracy in action?
Janne Seletto
21/4/2015 03:28:17 pm
Hello John Renser. Candy did say what the response was to her motion. It was knocked back by the Liberals, who all voted against it. The amendment, which was accepted in its place, was that the General Manager give councillors a monthly update on the 2015 masterplan. That what he is supposed to do for the new Swim Centre. GM Wong's last update was 'work is proceeding to plan'. Not quite the same as finding out how much 2015 has cost us poor little ratepayers so far.
21/4/2015 01:25:16 pm
Exactly - the Council is funded by our rates (residents & businesses) so we have the right to know exactly how much is spent and where it is spent. If it is too difficult to extract this data what accounting system is the Council using? How can they run their financial records and how can Council management make decisions without meaningful information? The ratepayers have every right to know exactly how much was spent on the Oval car park process.
b bevan
22/4/2015 01:47:24 am
What kind of a treasurer does the council have if it can't tell the residents how much has been spent on Manly 2015? This should be available to residents.
22/4/2015 04:36:36 am
A letter to the Manly Daily on Tuesday conveyed 'an interesting insight into the mind of Manly Deputy Mayor Steve Pickering' - '...he, Pickering, reportedly said, "we've noted their opinion but as councilors, we're elected to make the decisions.'
gay o'connor
22/4/2015 05:02:01 am
What's the point in "noting their opinion" if their opinion is ignored? Yes, perhaps Councillor Pickering is related to the new ABC comedian Charlie Pickering. The councillor's comment is pretty funny . . .
22/4/2015 07:21:18 am
Ratepayers and residents elect people to represent them on council as their voice. Ratepayers voiced their opposition to the oval car park loudly and clearly through the precinct meetings only to find that their opposition to the oval car park has been completely ignored by the Liberal Block of councillors. The Mayor and her Liberal party block councillors maybe need to be reminded that as a democratic society they were not elected to dictate but rather to listen to and respond to what the residents are telling them.
David Jones
22/4/2015 07:26:48 am
Again the outdated "Liberal" leadership councillors have shown themselves to be out of touch and not representing their constituency. They appear to be a law unto themselves. Their 'liberalism' is totally at odds with the impressive leadership shown at the State level. The isolated Hay's team confuses 'doing something' with their lack of effective risk management, poor community consultation, lack of longer term vision, and continued and accelerated lack of contribution to the state and the community. The 'mayoral' group has outstayed its usefulness and the effects on the Manly community will be a continuance of the overall comparative downgrading which we have seen under the Hay's 'now too long' dominance. Manly was once a shining longer I am afraid.
22/4/2015 08:39:18 am
You mention the "impressive leadership shown at state level", I have a theory that the constituents of Manly who have been meeting with our local member Mike Baird continually since he was elected to parliament mainly in relation to the activities of Manly Council, have provided a training course for him to become an outstanding Premier. What a great job he's doing - a pity about councilors who have used the Liberal Party for their own objectives.
Kate lester
11/5/2015 10:58:29 am
These are elected people, chosen to represent us yet time and again they do not. It is outrageous how flagrantly they disregard public opinion. Vote them out!!
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. ........................................
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