Old Manly Hospital site concept plans are now on public display. What's new is that the State Government, which owns the North Head site, wants to broaden options for businesses that can be considered for the new "health and wellbeing" precinct. The 6ha site, which will be anchored by the new Adolescent and Young Adult Hospice, could now include enterprises such as seniors housing, an educational establishment or function centre, plus a shop and cafe, although these new uses would depend on appropriate rezoning of the land by Northern Beaches Council. There will also be parking, public access and open space and harbour views. The current zoning of the site limits its use to a ‘health services facility’ which only permits; a hospital, medical centre, community health service facilities or consulting rooms. The concept plan calls for this to be broadened to include uses such as; Restaurant or café Neighbourhood shop Seniors housing Educational establishment Community facility Group homes Function centre Centre-based child care facility Recreation facility (indoor) The draft concept plan, shown in diagram form below, has been put together by site managers - The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (Planning NSW) - and lead consultants COX Architecture. The next step is to collect community and stakeholder feedback, and rezoning approval from the Council. Then Planning NSW will prepare a formal site master plan with a site-specific Development Control Plan. The DCP includes built form controls to manage height, bulk and scale, as well as environmental and heritage requirements for the site. On its website Planning NSW says; "The concept master plan focuses on developing an adaptive reuse strategy for the existing heritage buildings to deliver a mix of open and community space, health and wellbeing related uses, neighbourhood scale shops and a food and drink offering." They say the plan has been "informed by the guiding principles, outcomes of the community consultation (September 2019), environmental and specialist investigations and market sounding exercises". The 'main block' and original 'Manly Peace Memorial Hospital' entrance will both be 'adaptively reused' Manly Hospital was closed in October 2018 after the new Northern Beaches Hospital was opened at Frenchs Forest. Following community pressure to save the iconic site, the State Government promised not to sell it to developers but to keep it in public hands.
The vision statement was for “a vibrant health and wellbeing sanctuary which welcomes and supports the needs of the local and wider community – achieved through innovation and balance”. A masterplan was created to develop a health and wellbeing precinct, while maintaining community access and preserving existing heritage buildings. Incoming businesses and services would need to provide health benefits to the Northern Beaches community, as well as being self funding. The location is not only spectacular, but complicated with many stakeholders, including Property NSW, NSW Health, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Northern Beaches Council and the local community. Last year prominent design firm COX Architecture was appointed lead consultant for the redevelopment process. More details and the chance to have your say here.
Roslyn Appleby
4/8/2020 07:22:47 am
I am very concerned that the rezoning and redevelopment of the old Manly hospital site will further increase traffic and noise on Osborne Road and Marshall Street. These streets already carry too much noisy vehicle traffic to and from ICMS, St Paul's school, and North Head. Vehicle traffic should be directed to the main routes: Addison Road and Darley Road. The Council should close or restrict traffic on Osborne and Marshall, leaving them free for local pedestrian and bicycle use.
Jennifer Zeller
4/8/2020 08:34:53 am
This is a long time coming! I hope it will never be built out. As the areas around Manly are becoming walking tracks the walk at North Head is increasingly popular. Such a special place, it is a pity a lot of the parking spots are being taken up by boats. Is this legal I wonder?!
4/8/2020 11:39:32 am
I am very much against expanding the existing use definition
Judi LeVine
4/8/2020 01:24:52 pm
I am very concerned about this "broadening" the existing use definition. There are many health needs wtihin the community which can and should be making use of this site. Overdevelopment is happening everywhere and this precious piece of North Head should be maintained solely for the existing health designation and beyond that preservation of our natural environment and heritage, including our indigenous heritage, which is being eaten away at all of its edges. Senior housing could easily mean overdevelopment, and a "function centre" certainly rings alarm bells. And do we really need yet another cafe and restaurant? Seems like there are plenty of them which now of course are all suffering. In addition, I too am concerned about increased traffic Addison, Osborne and Darley Road, both during any construction and after completion. We have been walking in that area quite a lot lately and sometimes there is already a great deal of traffic, more than enough. Please stick to the original intent!
4/8/2020 01:44:56 pm
Oh how the addition of commercialised aged care housing and a function centre rings warning bells. This is exactly what we have all feared. Developers will be given open slather to turn the site into party central with paid parking. Please do not change the list of permitted developments.
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. ........................................
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