A proposal to upgrade The Manly Corso, a new boardwalk at Little Manly, a draft Masterplan for East Esplanade Reserve and approval of the concept Masterplan for Ivanhoe Park (behind Manly Oval) ... it been a busy few months for the new Council! Little Manly Beach & Boardwalk Dec 2017. This project has been put on hold following community consultation, until a compete Masterplan for the area can be completed mid 2018. Under the Administrator, long awaited plans for Little Manly Beach got underway with the first cab off the rank being a proposed new boardwalk linking one side of the area to the other. Starting at Craig Ave, the proposed boardwalk will run along the beachside to the existing park on the other side. In addition, a full concept masterplan for Little Manly Beach is expected to be released mid next year for community comment. You can see the full plans and make a submission regarding the boardwalk here, East Esplanade Reserve A concept Masterplan for one of Manly's most popular reserves, East Esplande, is also currently on public exhibition. Dec 2018: Masterplan approved by Council and work will commence in February 2018. One of the key issues addressed is the ongoing problem of uncontrolled runoff from East Esplanade across the Park, which then washes large amounts of sediment onto the beach and into the harbour. Other issues addressed include the need to provide better protection for the trees, and better control over the vegetated areas interfacing with the promenade. Manly Corso Although it's about 12 years since the $10m upgrade of Manly Corso, some believe the area is looking tired, and question whether the plan to make it a thoroughfare was the right one. Would outdoor dining bring back more life to the area? What about planter boxes and trees that provide more shade? A report on initial ideas will be prepared by Council staff over the next three months for consideration. The Corso as it looks today. Some question whether the Cabbage Tree palms were a good idea.
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What changes, if any, would you like to see to The Corso?
Jennifer Warren
1/11/2017 07:36:11 am
I suggest the removal of wires with hanging lights that have been strung across the Corso as seen in the area near the New Brighton Hotel. A sky clear of wires would be beautiful ( as in the past.)
Peter Monckton
1/11/2017 07:53:00 am
The Corso has been operating well once the paving issue was solved. The Palm trees have survived well. The openness of the Corso offers great flexibility in how it it used. The previous LMUD committee worked hard to clear the Corso of as much clutter and unnecessary installations even to the point to use catenary lighting to avoid poles. Please do not add any new installations . Keep the Corso open and importantly maintain the sea to Harbour view down the Corso intact!
Maggy Oehlbeck
1/11/2017 08:07:01 am
We need MORE trees on the Corso. Not less. At least save the palms, but add some trees with greater canopies for shade purposes.
Don Walker
1/11/2017 08:44:50 am
Please do not touch the palms along the Corso, please reinstate the amphitheatre as believe its removal was on of the biggest mistakes the older council removed. Have no problems with the catenary wires holding up the lights along the Corso. Please, as a first priority, repair and reinstate the paving along the Corso and adjacent streets and lanes. And, please in the area in front of the council chambers or any other near area, install public toilets for the general public.
Doug Sewell
1/11/2017 09:09:02 am
Thanks Don for your feedback. I for one was sad to see the much used amphitheatre go but the volume of people using The Corso has increased over the decades since Bruce McKenzie's original landscape plan for the pedestrianisation of The Corso was built. The pathways on each side of the sunken amphitheatre during events became congestion points blocking The Corso. Bruce and I with other community representatives on the former Manly Council Public Domains Committee which critiqued The Corso master plans acknowledged that the old amphitheatre could not fit with the need to declutter the space and create open vistas. Did you know a rainwater harvesting tank now fills the void of the old amphitheatre?
C.M. Turnbull
1/11/2017 09:10:46 am
Reinstate outdoor eating tables/seats under colourful brollies/shade cloth - just in some areas to add COLOUR....and comfort....liked a previous idea of casual Food Truck....
1/11/2017 11:51:37 am
Manly is the beach and what a wonderful ocean beach it is to which millions from all over the world and indeed Sydney flock to every day, not only in the summer but throughout the year.
G Thomas
1/11/2017 04:28:41 pm
In the Good for Manly e-newsletter you also mentioned plans for Ivanhoe park area but I can't see info on these anywhere?
a. harvey
6/11/2017 05:54:15 pm
Please let us have some outdoor eating tables/seats and make the price for the outdoor space reasonable so it is actually be possible for small cafes etc to be there.
17/11/2017 09:12:57 am
Plant some Moreton bay figs in the Corso to provide shade and compliment other figs established around Manly
GInette Priestley
2/2/2018 08:47:49 am
Please keep the Corso free from outdoor eating. Since the removal of tables and chairs there has been free movement of people, previously there were always weekend blockages. More shade trees would be very welcome, especially figs as they seem very windproof, perhaps at each end of the Corso so they would take the brunt of winds and protect the palms somewhat. The amphitheatre was lovely but was also a massive pedestrian blockage.
2/2/2018 01:36:21 pm
New Traffic lights on the pedestrian crossing on Whistler St near the Council chambers should be included in the plan These should be coordinated with the lights near St Mathews. to facilitate traffic flow.
jennifer zeller
3/2/2018 07:19:49 am
Please don't remove the palm trees and no outdoor restaurants with seating blocking the corso.
Lynne Young
3/2/2018 11:56:59 am
I believe there needs to be more shade in the Corso and the Cabbage palms always look as if they are struggling to survive.
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. ........................................
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