Manly Council has now released the new traffic plan as a result of it's public exhibition period for the Manly 2015 Plan in September 2011. It includes a new car park under Manly Oval, the demoliton of the Whistler Street car park and the closure of Sydney Road from Belgrave Street to connect with the existing plaza. Central Ave, where the Post Office is, will become a cul-de-sac. This illustration is apparently copyright to Manly Council however in the interest of public consultation and information, we are reproducing it here: What do yo think of the new plan? How will it affect you?
Brian Fitzgerald
14/5/2013 01:57:40 pm
This is ridiculous, almost all traffic from eastern hill will be through east/West Esplanade.
Peter Owens
14/5/2013 02:56:15 pm
I agree, how are people supposed to access the post office to drop off or collect parcels etc???? There is not enough turn around room on central Ave. The police cars parked there will look like an episode of keystone cops trying to get out in a hurry for an emergency. Ill conceived, ill thought through, and ill advised.
simon fry
14/5/2013 03:25:34 pm
Proposed plan limits access to emergency services. Fire and Rescue has regular calls to the areas being turned into pedestrian plazas. As usual with Manly Council...act first, fix the stuff ups later.
Rob Stewart
15/5/2013 02:14:40 am
Eastern Hill has two hospitals, a school, a national park, a sewerage treatment plant, beaches and businesses in addition to residents. How can any rational council limit access through road closures and traffic calming? It begars belief that the Manly 2015 was not front and centre in the re-election of the Mayor. I understand the vast majority of comments on Manly 2015 were negative and yet Council continues with this scheme to the deteriment of rate payers, businesses and financial responsibility.
16/5/2013 02:27:10 am
not sure how this plan ties in with the website's title "GOOD for Manly"
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. Categories
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