Manly Council has called for Expressions of Interest (EOI) to build and construct a new car park under Manly Oval which will "accommodate at least 470 cars, but is designed to be expandable, with construction by others, to 760 spaces in the future".
This has surprised a number of Councillors who were expecting that the EOI would be for the original larger car park of 760 spaces, which Council has been stating from day one was what was needed; would be the most cost effective solution; and could be built for $34m. "Once again this process is flawed", claimed Independent Councillor Candy Bingham. " We are now being told that 'based on the demand study, a car park with 470 spaces now and 760 in the future will deliver the "best value for money outcome” with the additional capacity not needed until 2030' she said. So why the sudden switch to a smaller car park? Consider these facts: 1. Manly does not currently need additional parking. 2. The new smaller car park will only replace parking removed from the street, and parking currently available in Whistler St (which is to be redeveloped for mixed use and apartments with no parking). 3. The cost of the smaller car park will be closer to the original budget of $34m. 4. Forecasts show that a larger car park will not be required until at least 2030. 5. A larger car park of 760 spaces is likely to cost $45m-$50m not $34m as originally budgeted. “Even if the Council is successful in getting a long-term lease for the Whistler Street site to offset some of the cost of building a new car park under Manly Oval, the facts still remain. They are replacing a well-located, very profitable car park with a new car park further away which will carry a very large debt and major ongong operating costs. “Why? There must be more to this than the vision of 'pedestrianising Manly'.” Clr Bingham said. The EOI closes Friday 12th June with a report expected to come to Council in July 2015.
Don Walker
13/5/2015 01:46:10 am
Councillor Bingham,, Thank you for the informative update. It is obvious to even the most blue eyed Liberal supporter that the antics being undertaken by our Lord Mayor, our general manager and the Liberal party aligned councilors are completely in contradiction to what the majority of the council rate payers, who are ultimately liable for all debts incurred by this inept council management, have demonstrated While it will adversely affect all responsible councilors surely it is time for our Premier to sack the current council so that the electors can demonstrate their distaste of this unrepresentative swill who refuse to listen to the wishes of the majority. Would be very interested in knowing what qualifications these councilors have to show that they know better then the, in Manly, a group of people whose qualifications in finance, administration and engineering who have proven their competence.
Linda Monty
13/5/2015 01:50:56 am
This council goes from worse to appalling Candy. I do not know how you continue to stay sane. A group of five year olds would be more capable of making sensible decisions.
13/5/2015 03:10:37 am
I agreed with what Don had said .
13/5/2015 03:16:17 am
Oh come on 'Don' - get with the program. There is an amalgamation about to happen and we will all have our chance then to vote for whoever we want.
Bruce Webb
15/5/2015 05:44:03 am
Actually Sandy, what we want are councillors who actually abide by the Local Government Act and act in the interests of ratepayers and those that put them there.
Tony Backhouse
13/5/2015 03:22:04 am
It is a pity that if this Council were sacked that it would only be to become part of NORBEACH Incorporated in North America or an offshore Tax Haven like Bermuda. I think the car park should be named the David Begg Memorial Car Park.
warren riley
13/5/2015 03:55:51 am
Same old story. The general needs of the ratepayers again ignored. I read recently that a Sept. 1988 referendum denied a request that Councils be legally able to collect taxes (eg Rates). So are within our rights to refuse to pay rates unless our Council consult with us before the involve us in unwanted expenditure?
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. Categories
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