A public meeting to give locals the opportunity to hear from experts on the many major concerns relating to the Oval Car Park development application, will be held on Sunday (June 5) at the St Mary’s Parish Hall, Cnr Whistler and Raglan Streets, Manly at 2pm. (More details here).
Arranged by the Save Manly Oval Alliance the meeting is expected to attract hundreds of concerned residents many of whom have been fighting against the Manly Oval Car Park proposal since 2012. “Save Manly Oval Alliance is seeking legal advice on how the process has been handled by the former Manly Council which pushed through this DA just days before the amalgamation was announced”, said President Jack Steggall. “In the meantime we have only until June 17 to lodge submissions against the many issues associated with this controversial DA”, he explained. According to the Alliance, who are engaging independent experts to prepare reports on the various aspects of the DA, there are serious flaws with the oval car park plan. PLEASE SEND IN A SUBMISSION - See Below for Key Points How To Oppose Manly Oval Car Park Development Application 1. Email your submission to: [email protected] 2. Quote DA 116/2016 3. There is no set format for submissions. Cover the points that concern you the most. See list below for ideas. Object to the DA and ask the Joint Regional Planning Panel reject it. 4. Include your full name and address for verification purposes. 5. Submissions close 17th June – so don’t delay! Independent Experts Have Identified the Following Issues: Heritage
Sports and Public Recreation
Public Safety
Roads and Traffic Impact
Financial Analysis
Breach of DA Processes
For More Information go to: Save Manly Oval Alliance. www.SaveManlyOval.com.au
John & Clelia Koch
1/6/2016 07:31:22 am
Councillor Candy. We will attend on Sunday.
Candy Bingham
1/6/2016 04:14:06 pm
Excellent. Thanks John & Clelia I'm sure you'll find it most informative.
Bruce Webb
1/6/2016 09:41:48 am
The Bondi Pavillion redevelopment is now under a Green Ban. I was under the impression that Jack Mundey supported the opposition to the Oval Carpark and there was a feeling that a Green Ban could be imposed. I feel that this is something that needs to be pursued along with the legal challenge.
Candy Bingham
1/6/2016 04:15:16 pm
That's right Bruce - Jack Mundey said he would arrange a green ban if the project went ahead. Will be interesting to see what happens at Bondi. The DA still needs to be accessed.
Shirley Greening
1/6/2016 04:35:58 pm
Congratulations Councillor Bingham See you Sunday
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AuthorCandy Bingham, Deputy Mayor & Manly Ward Councillor on Northern Beaches Council. Background in marketing, public relations and community engagement. Author of five business books. Former Lady Mayoress of Sydney. Aka Candy Tymson. Categories
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